
From A to Z this book describes to children descriptions of God while equipping them to learn The Alphabet with different animals, fruits, and recognizable toys.


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Who is God? ABC’s synopsis:

Explore the profound insights of “Who is God? ABC’s” by TYRONE L COPELAND JR, a captivating journey into the essence of divinity. Published on February 15, 2022, this large-print paperback unravels the mysteries of God through an ABC framework, making complex concepts accessible to readers of all backgrounds.

Key Features:

  1. Inclusive Exploration: TYRONE L COPELAND JR invites readers on an inclusive exploration of God’s nature, breaking down complex ideas into easily digestible ABC components.

  2. Accessible Large Print: The large-print format ensures a comfortable reading experience for individuals with visual challenges, fostering accessibility for a diverse audience.

  3. Insightful Reflections: Delve into thought-provoking reflections on spirituality, theology, and the divine, as the author shares profound insights that resonate with seekers of all faiths.

  4. Author’s Perspective: Gain a unique perspective on the author’s personal journey and reflections on the divine, enhancing the authenticity and relatability of the narrative.

Whether you’re on a personal quest for spiritual understanding or simply intrigued by the profound mysteries of existence, “Who is God? ABC’s” is a must-read that promises to enrich your perspective on the divine.