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ABC's of Financial Literacy by Aman Jjj Westbrooks and Amia Johnson
Buy on Amazon Description: The ABC’s of Financial Literacy is a foundational children’s beginner guide on how to make smart decisions with money. Set your children up on the path to lifetime...
The ABCs of Conscious Capitalism for KIDs by Laura Hall and Brent Metcalf
Buy on Amazon Description: The ABCs of Conscious Capitalism for KIDs is for kids who have big ideas and even bigger dreams, and want to make some money along the way. In this stunningly creative...
The Abc's of Wealth Building by Tanisha Adjokatcher, Chyanne Adjokatcher
Buy on Amazon Description: Tanisha is passionate about equipping the next generation with building blocks that will help them become financially sound adults. The ABCs of Wealth Building is a tool...
Finance 101 For Kids: The ABC of Money by Dipo Adesina and Faithful Adesina
Buy on Amazon Description: The ABC of Money is the foundation book that every parent needs to teach their child the basic principles of money. According to a study by the National Endowment for Financial...