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My ABC Bible Verses by Susan Hunt
Buy on Amazon Description: Thy Word have I hid in my heart that I might not sin against thee. ―Psalm 119:11 Knowing the Bible can help you know God better. Here is a colorful, story-filled way for...
The ABCs of Diversity by Carolyn Helsel, Y. Joy and Harris-Smith
Buy on Amazon Description: Learn the language of diversity and raise kids who respect differences and honor similarities. The ABCs of Diversity equips parents, teachers, and community leaders to...
My God & Me ABCs by Sheri Loyd Edwards
Buy on Amazon Description: Journey through the ABCs with reminders about God and Who He is! Your child will have a fun time picking out the animals and finding the fox in each picture as they learn...
ABCs of Scripture for Kids by Kimberley Payne
Buy on Amazon Description: Do you want to help your children memorize scripture? Discover these ABC Bible Verses to encourage kids to learn God’s Word. Are you looking to inspire your child to dig...