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UX design abc
My First UX Design ABC's by Nicola Donaldson
Buy on Amazon Description: <– Click LOOK INSIDE to view a book sample A fun alphabet book of User Experience vocabulary and illustrations. Give the gift of ridiculously awesome vocabulary...
abc triangle
The ABC's of Triangle, Square, Circle by J. Abbott Miller and Ellen Lupton
Buy on Amazon Description: “… accomplishes what the other books on the Bauhaus don’t, which is to demonstrate, in concise language and clear graphics, exactly how Bauhaus design theory...
bats aren't birds
Bats Aren't Birds: An ABC Book of Animal Misconceptions by Alex Record
Buy on Amazon Description: Alligators can do what? Hedgehogs don’t do that? Young children will be surprised and delighted to learn that some things they think about animals aren’t true. This book...
abc meditation
ABC de la méditation by Isabelle Clerc
Buy on Amazon Description: Les bienfaits de la méditation ne sont plus à prouver. Cette activité naturelle, intemporelle et universelle, est en plein essor. Méditer, c’est comme voyager en...