Alphabet Book for Kids: Ukrainian ABC Picture Book by Lidiya Bo


Get your little one excited about learning their ABCs with this fun and colorful ABC book! Each page has a different letter, with cute illustrations to help them learn and remember. Perfect for beginners just starting to learn their letters. Learning has never been so much fun! This book would be perfect to read with a young child.

All the revenue from this book will go towards supporting children in Ukraine who have been impacted by war.

Порадуйте свого малюка вивченням Алфавіту з цією веселою та мальовничою книгою. Прекрасно підходить для маленьких, які тільки починають вивчати абетку. Навчатися може бути дуже весело! Ця книга ідеально підходить для читання з маленькою дитиною.

Весь прибуток від цієї книги буде спрямований на підтримку дітей в Україні, які постраждали від війни.


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Alphabet Book for Kids: Ukrainian ABC Picture Book synopsis:

“Alphabet Book for Kids: Ukrainian ABC Picture Book for Toddlers and Preschoolers” is a delightful educational resource designed to introduce young learners to the Ukrainian alphabet. Featuring over 270 words and charming illustrations, this book is perfect for children ages 2-5 who are just beginning to explore the world of letters and sounds.

Each page of this Ukrainian Edition is beautifully illustrated, capturing the attention of young readers and helping them associate each letter with a familiar image. From animals to objects, the illustrations are both engaging and educational, making learning the alphabet a fun and immersive experience.

Written by Lidiya Bo, a talented author known for her captivating children’s books, this Alphabet Book is not only entertaining but also serves as a valuable learning tool. The large print format makes it easy for young children to follow along and trace the letters with their fingers, aiding in letter recognition and early writing skills development.

Whether you are a parent, teacher, or caregiver, “Alphabet Book for Kids: Ukrainian ABC Picture Book for Toddlers and Preschoolers” is sure to become a favorite in your collection. Help your child embark on a journey of language discovery with this charming and educational book!